Software Engineer, Student

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-Backend Development



Work Experience

UnitedHealth Group- Software Engineer Intern

Summer 2022

Walmart Global Tech- Software Engineer II Intern

Summer 2023


2048 Solver-


This project is a simple 2048 game with algorithms to provide moves. I was able to use cppyy to execute c++ functions within python.

Linear System of Equations Solver-


This implements a couple of algorithms to solve linear systems of equations in a Python library. The main purpose of the project was to create a library with the Python interface in C, which I was able to do.

ELO Ranking League App-


ELO implementation for local rankings that takes games as entries and updates a leaderboard. It uses Flask for the backend, and worked well when deployed.

Purdue 3D Printed Prosthetics Club Website-


Scheduling website with authentication and admin controls. I was able to implement some more advanced react features as well as a RESTful API that interacts with postgres.

Twitter/News Sentiment Analysis Web App-


Simple website with a Spring Boot backend. Aside from the frameworks used, I was able to learn how to use enterprise APIs.